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Welcome! This page is intended to shed more light on your Activity Report metrics - what we recommend as best practice and why these data points matter.

Your email might contain some of the following data points:

1. Number of high-urgency incidents - Incidents that require immediate response

MTTA (Mean time to Acknowledge): The average time between when an incident is triggered, and it is acknowledged by a user. Reassign, resolve, and escalation actions do not imply acknowledgement.
MTTR (Mean time to Resolve): The average time between when an incident is acknowledged, and when it is resolved by a user.

*Tip: You can view this at anytime by going to:

2. Responders added to an incident - This includes actions like escalating, reassigning, and/or adding additional responders.

What does your data point mean?

NULL : No incident collaboration, could be signs of a siloed workflow
Tip: Try leveraging Response Plays to loop in teams faster
0: A responder initiated an action above with no response - also demonstrates little to no incident collaboration
Tip: Try leveraging Response Plays to loop in teams faster
1+: Responders took one or more of the actions above - suggests incident collaboration

3. Percentage of users on mobile - % users that have downloaded the mobile app
Best-in-class: Above 75%

Why does it matter: Leverage mobile for faster times to acknowledge and can triage on the go.

4. % Users avoiding blast notifications - Users have staggered notifications across more than two notification methods (actionable notifications)
Best-in-class: Above 60%

Why does it matter: Avoid notification storms by configuring notification rules across multiple methods (sms/mobile app/phone call)
Tip: If you’re below 60% check out On-Call Readiness Reports to ensure responders have optimal notification rule configurations

5. Teams configured – Allows users to see information relevant to specific escalation policies, or groups of escalation policies

Why does this matter? By setting up teams your account will see richer analytics and filtering options

6. Percentage of incidents acknowledged - Ensure you’re closing the loop on incidents in accordance with your internal SLAs
Best-in-class: Above 94%

7. Percentage of incidents tagged with either priority/severity - Filter incidents based on your priority/severity schema. Enable Incident Priority to leverage the Status Dashboard!
Best-in-class: Above 50%

8. Noisiest high-urgency Service in the last month Service that saw the most number of high-urgency incidents

Tip: Get rid of duplicate and redundant alerts by enabling alert grouping (time-based, intelligent, content-based) on your noisiest Services. If you’re on a Business plan with EI or if you’re on a Digital Operations plan, set it up now:

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