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Analytics are a great way to provide additional insights regarding metrics and numbers into your incident management cycle. Through our Analytics in our lite plans, users can view reports in regards to their notifications and incidents and through Analytics in our Standard and Enterprise plans, users can view data on Systems, Teams, and Users.

The value that analytics can bring to teams includes being able to track:


How long someone has been on-call for
Are they on-call too frequently? How many incidents have they been notified for? Are they at any risks of experiencing alert fatigue? Managers can use this information to track and see how their users are feeling while they are on-call and make the appropriate adjustments.

See the noisiest services to modify their alerting through email filters/event rules or high/low urgencies
This will help ensure that all incidents that on-call users receive will be actionable and prevent them from alert fatigue.

Compare the MTTR/MTTA with other teams, services, and against their own SLAs
Are events being triggered to the wrong folks on call? Are they being reassigned too frequently? Ensure that users are managing their incidents in the most efficient manner and make necessary adjustments to lower the downtime of a triggered incident.

Compare the summary metrics of services and escalation policies from previous months
Do we need to adjust monitoring thresholds? Lessons can be learned from previous historical data to help modify current work-flows. Thus keeping track of this allows users to examine trends.

Overall, PagerDuty’s analytics help developers and stakeholders identify trends in their infrastructure, improve their on-call response workflows, and optimize their alerting.

What are some other values that you and your team have found while using PagerDuty’s analytics?

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