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I have written an open-source .NET library which is a client for the PagerDuty Events API V2.

It’s focused on being up-to-date with the latest V2 API, comprehensive documentation, handling both sending changes and triggering/acknowledging/resolving alerts, easy configuration, easy calling, and the ability to mock it in automated tests.

I have been using it for 18 months so far in programs that notify me when my laundry is done, and it has been stable.

Feel free to include it in the API Client Libraries table if you wish.


Thanks for sharing, @aldaviva, this is awesome! If you’d ever be up for coming on our Twitch channel to show off your stuff, we’d love to have you! Drop us an email!

Thank you @mandi walls! That sounds great, I’ll reach out in the new year after the holidays are over.

Hi again,

Would it be possible to add Aldaviva/PagerDuty to the API Client Libraries documentation page so that other .NET developers can find it? It’s been stable for me for over a year in several projects, including a more recent one where I trigger alerts based on uptime checks from Freshping.


Hi @Ben Hutchison, I've checked your request with the ProdDev team and due to legal implications, PagerDuty's GitHub repo only lists some of the libraries that PD owns or started as a community project.

Hi again @xamici,

I understand legal can be a hassle, but I believe the Aldaviva/PagerDuty project qualifies for inclusion because it’s a general-purpose Events V2 API client that did start as a community project just like the 5 other community-supported Java/PHP/Ruby projects in that table, it is one of “all third-party libraries known to us which support our current public APIs,” and it is Apache 2.0 licensed like one of the existing clients.

On the other hand, if those 5 projects were grandfathered in, and if PagerDuty is no longer adding community projects to that table due to a legal policy change, then the Get Involved section should be removed because it currently states “We're always happy to add new projects to our directory,” and the introductory paragraph should be changed to say “some third-party libraries known to us.”

Thanks! I appreciate you looking into this, Xenda.

@Ben Hutchison Thanks for pointing that out. At the moment we’re revisiting the process for adding community projects to the API libraries. I flagged your observation of the “Get Involved” section to the responsible team, who should take steps to make the appropriate updates. Thank you for your patience while we’re working to adapt some internal policies. 

Whenever you have a new project using PagerDuty APIs, come share it with us in the Get Involved Community session. Just like we did in the live streaming and blog post where you shared your LaundryDuty project, we’re always happy to create new initiatives to promote community’s work!
