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Hello, I am using the /incidents endpoint to sync daily incidents but I’m confused about the responses. For this example I’m trying to get all of the incidents from February 1st.

When I request incidents for the date range of Jan 31st - Feb 2nd I get back 64 results, 13 from Feb 1.

When I request incidents for the date range of Feb 1st - Feb 2nd I get back 39 results, but missing 2 from the previous request.

When I compare the 64 results from Jan31 - Feb2 with the 64 results from combining two individual ranges (Jan31-Feb1 and Feb1-Feb2), they are not the same. Should this be the case?

How do I get the full set of the incidents from February 1st? When I requested since=Feb 1 and until=Feb 2, I seem to be missing at least 2 incidents. When I requested the since=Jan 31 and until=Feb 2, I seem to be missing many incidents.

Am I using the params wrong? Is this the expected behavior that results from a 2 day range would not match the results from those same 2 days when requested individually? Is it normal to get duplicate incidents in the response? What is the recommended way to request all incidents from a single day? Thanks for any help and let me know if I can provide any other information.

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