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We had Microsoft Teams configured using the legacy connector through webhooks. I finally have gotten around to trying to update to the new integration and where I am supposed to do @PagerDuty accountLink, it sends me the PM as expected but when I go through the process on the PagerDuty website it ends at a screen with the following.

"#### An error has occurred and we are unable to link your accounts at this time.

Your team of the Microsoft Teams account is connected to another PagerDuty account."

I then attempted @PagerDuty unlink from the channel and got the PM again and that stated the following

“This Microsoft Teams user account is not connected to a PagerDuty user account. The UnlinkUser command was cancelled.”

So it would seem that PagerDuty sees a linked account with this teams channel but Teams does not see it when it attempts to interact with PagerDuty. I am not a PD admin so when I try to go to Integrations I can not see anything but I assume that maybe there is a place to see any pre-existing account links and they could potentially be deleted so I can get this resolved?

hey, I’m currently also stuck in the same Schrodinger link account situation. how did you manage to solve it?

Hi Mario,

There are some basic troubleshooting steps you can take depending on your account permissions (like checking to see if there is another PagerDuty account associated with your team’s email domain), though it’s best to contact support so they can investigate if there are multiple accounts associated with the same domain, unlink and relink the account, or merge accounts if necessary.
