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Sometimes when we have a large number of alerts, slack integration fails and we need to delete and re add the connection to fix it. This happens often enough that we would like to automate it. (assuming there isn’t something else we can do to make integrations stop failing).

I have found to list connections. Is there a way for me to delete/add connections?

Thank you.

HI @pete 2,

This is likely a case of PagerDuty webhooks hitting Slack’s API limit, resulting in error codes returned from Slack to PagerDuty, which then results in temporary (24 hours) disablement of the PagerDuty-to-Slack webhook subscription.

The workaround identified (deleting then recreating the connection) is a good option. It could be possible to automate that process leveraging the REST API (using the delete and create Slack connection endpoints).

Hope that helps!
