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Hi, According to doc link, rest api can have 960 requests / min / user. Is it correct?

What is the Rest Api Rate Limit per organization ?

What is the Rest Api Rate Limit per Account ?

What is the Rest Api Rate Limit per OAuth2.0 Token ?

Hello @vivek yadav!

PagerDuty updated the API limits this week (see changelog) and made it more clear - I hope - in our documentation. This is being rolled out at this point and it should be active in your account soon if it is not yet.

Before the limits were 900 requests per minute per organization. Now this requested are measured differently to improve the developer experience. Below are the limits you are looking for.

Account API Keys

Each Account API Key is allowed 960 requests per minute.

User API Keys

User API Keys act as a PagerDuty User and are limited as such. Each user is allowed 960 requests per minute across all of the user’s API keys.

PagerDuty App - App OAuth Tokens

When a PagerDuty App uses an app token it is acting as the PagerDuty App. Each PagerDuty App is allowed 960 requests per minute against each PagerDuty Account it is authorized to access.

PagerDuty App - User OAuth Tokens

When a PagerDuty App uses a user token it is acting as the PagerDuty User. Each PagerDuty App is allowed 960 requests per minute per User it is authorized to act as.

I hope this helps!
