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We have been exploring various reporting options, and it seems that we have encountered a slight limitation with our current capabilities. We are interested in creating a report or knowledge base that would allow us to search for an Incident name and retrieve all associated notes from incidents with the same title. Currently, our incident titles are based on AWS alarm names that arrive to PagerDuty. We would like to know if it is possible to generate a report that includes the notes added to PagerDuty for each AWS alarm (In essence, it would refer to a single Incident name and encompass all the notes that were added to multiple Incidents sharing the same name). Is this a feature that is supported within the PagerDuty workflow?

Hello @masa gabric!

We don’t provide this feature by default but you can leverage the REST APIs to get all incidents, pick the ones with a specific name and collect notes from all of them.

For PagerDuty platform, every incident is different and therefore despite having the same name, the notes included are potentially different because they capture actions done when trying to solve the incident. These include automation action steps and manual steps performed by different incident responders. Just that fact alone will reflect different approaches to the same problem.

If you are able to provide more details on what you are trying to achieve with this report, I might be able to give you additional details on next steps. Thanks!

Hi Tiago,

thank you for your response. We anticipated that this would be a matter to be addressed using an API, however, we were trying to avoid the creation of a another in-house solution. 🙂

Yes, it is true that the Incidents may vary, but once we connected AWS SNS Topic, which forwards a cluster of similar alarms, Incidents generated in PagerDuty can contain multiple Alerts with identical details based on how we grouped them. If we utilize Services “Noise reduction” to group Alerts within Incidents, there is a possibility that a new Incident may be created, at some point in time with the same Alerts that are already being processed. Therefore, we were thinking of creating a knowledge base where we can access all the notes related to the specific AWS alarm = “Incident name”.

Here is a example how we would like to organize this information:

Three incidents are created in a span of 48 hours. All containing Alerts with the same detail.

Incident - 123 - test note1, note2, note3]

Alert 123 - test

Alert 123 - test

Alert 123 - test

Incident - 456 - error

Alert 456 - error

Alert 456 - error

Incident - 123 - test note1,note2,note3]

Alert 123 - test

Alert 123 - test

If we write notes in the test Incidents, we would like to have a report with data something like this:

Incident - 123 - test note1, note2, note3, note4, note5, note6]

Alert 123 - test

Alert 123 - test

Alert 123 - test

Alert 123 - test

Alert 123 - test

Incident - 456 - error

Alert 456 - error

Alert 456 - error
