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Hi there,

I am trying to create a new extension using the rest api v2 using POST

It returns a 404


“error”: {

“message”: “Not Found”,

“code”: 2100



Has anyone faced anything similar?



Hello @aparna valsala. Thanks for reaching out.

HTTP 404 is not even documented on the API Reference. But I would start by checking if the id on extension_schema and extension_objects exist.

Let me know if this helps!

Thanks for the response, I did verify that before posting the question and double checked after you mentioned as well, its all the correct, but the api call would still not work

Encountering a 404 error when accessing extensions indicates that the requested resource could not be found on the server. This issue may arise due to incorrect URLs, missing files, or server misconfigurations. Troubleshoot by verifying the extension’s URL, ensuring proper file permissions, and checking server logs for any relevant error messages. Reinstalling or updating the extension may also resolve the issue.

Thanks everyone, it was user error 🙈

I had mis-typed the serviceID and all this while I was checking the extension_schema.

When trying to access the PagerDuty API endpoint at, a 404 error is returned. This indicates that the requested resource could not be found on the server. Cox internet packages To resolve this issue, ensure that the API endpoint URL is correct and that you have the necessary permissions to access the resource. Additionally, check for any errors in the API request or consult PagerDuty’s documentation for further assistance.
