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I am trying to page two schedules (a leadership and eng rotation in parallel). I can have my escalation policy page both, however, once one awk the page the other stops being paged (e.g., if the leadership member answers after 1 minute the eng will never be paged on their secondary device). Any ideas about how to make this behavior happen? Thanks!

Hi @lauren pully!

Are you expecting both of the rotations to actively respond to the incident? Or is your main goal to keep the leadership informed?

You’ll want an incident workflow if you’re keeping leadership in the loop. There isn’t a way in the schedule mechanism to require multiple acks from different responders on a basic schedule/escalation policy.

The simplest incident workflow is the Update Stakeholders Workflow, which will allow you to add users or teams as additional notifications about an incident as stakeholders.

Since you mentioned that the leadership team also has a rotation, I’d go with the Major Incident Workflow which will allow you to add escalation policies as additional responders to your incidents. You don’t have to make use of all the potential features of the workflow, just the pieces you need. If you choose to build the workflow from the template, just remove the pieces you don’t need!


