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I have many websites with a UptimeRobot monitor for each one, and I want to know if I can use a single UptimeRobot integration (single integration key) for managing multiple PagerDuty services.

Basically :

1/ On UptimeRobot :

  • Website A => alert contact with integration key XYZ

  • Website B => alert contact with integration key XYZ

  • Website C => alert contact with integration key XYZ

2/ On Pagerduty :

  • if Website A is down / up => open / close incident on Website A service

  • if Website B is down / up => open / close incident on Website B service

  • if Website C is down / up => open / close incident on Website C service

Thank you very much for your help !


Yes, look at using Event Orchestrations - it is designed for exactly your scenario, where you build out routing rules to different services based on the alert payload.
