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Hi All, Do we have documentation or a walkthrough on how you can link a business service to multiple technical services using terraform?

Hello @obi nwagu! Thanks for reaching out.

I have looked into the documentation for Business Service and Technical Service and I don’t see a way to do that in Terraform. But I might be missing something.

@josé antonio reyes can you help us understand if it is possible to use Terraform to link Technical Services to a Business Service? Thanks in advance!

Hey @tiago barbosa and @obi nwagu

Yeap! You can configure your Business Service dependencies topology using Terraform through use of the pagerduty_service_dependency resource, like follows…

# Assuming this is an actual Business Service you already have configured in
# you PagerDuty environment
data "pagerduty_business_service" "bs" {
name = "Your Business Case"

# In the other hand, these are the Technical Service You want to configure as
# supporting Services for you Business Case.
data "pagerduty_service" "foo" {
name = "foo"
data "pagerduty_service" "bar" {
name = "bar"
data "pagerduty_service" "baz" {
name = "baz"
data "pagerduty_service" "foobar" {
name = "foobar"

resource "pagerduty_service_dependency" "bs_foo" {
dependency {
dependent_service {
id =
type = "business_service"
supporting_service {
id =
type =
resource "pagerduty_service_dependency" "bs_bar" {
dependency {
dependent_service {
id =
type = "business_service"
supporting_service {
id =
type =

# This is the same, but dynamic using a local variable, which can help you to
# reduce code redundancy
locals {
srv_refs = =,,,,

resource "pagerduty_service_dependency" "bs_tech_deps" {
for_each = local.srv_refs

dependency {
dependent_service {
id =
type = "business_service"
supporting_service {
id = each.value
type = "service"

Same logic applies for dependencies between Technical services.

Great! I thought this would only apply to Technical Services. It is clear now. Thanks @josé antonio reyes!

@obi nwagu does this answer your question?
