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I was trying to create a proof-of-concept solution for a scenario where alerts/incidents are triggered by emails with ticket creation notifications. Message subjects contain ticket IDs, which I was able to extract with email integration rules.

The last part of the scenario is to create a query that would add a worklog entry to a ticket from the email notifications. The API endpoint of the ticketing system requires that you supply the ticket number in the API endpoint url.

I wanted to kindly ask for any suggestions on how this could be done with PagerDuty. Is it possible to use variables in outbound API endpoint queries?

Hi @fona ceg

I’m not sure I 100% understand all you’re doing here, but I did do some digging to see if anything would be possible with our webhooks. Unfortunately, they are not exposed in a programmatic way; every outbound webhook has only the ability to send to one static endpoint, and there is no way to gather custom data into the webhook url.

I think you could make use of Process Automation to do this. Your PagerDuty service can send an outbound webhook to a job on Process Automation. PA has more ability to programmatically work with the incident data, extract what you need, and send an outbound request to your ticketing system. If you don’t have access to PA, you can start a trial or take a look at the open source version of the Rundeck Server if that sounds enticing. (Community Welcome Project example is on GitHub)

I’m not sure what exactly you meant by “add a worklog entry to a ticket from the email notifications”, so maybe this wouldn’t fit your whole scenario, but doing any kind of programmatic work or two-way communications requires more than what the PagerDuty product provides on its own. We have integrations with a number of ticket-type platforms that provide more sophisticated workflows.
