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We are building Zabbix v6 with Ansible on Linux, integrating PD in the Zabbix alerting.

The RPM package pdagent is failing to validate the GPG signature. Giving this error:

Signature not supported. Hash algorithm SHA1 not available .\\r\\n\\r\\n{“failed”: true, “msg”: “Failed to validate GPG signature for pdagent-1.7.3-1.noarch”

The Ask: Is there a more recent key for GPG signature available for this package? Signing with SHA1 algorthm is deprecated…right?


do you resolved this issue? I have the same problem with nagios integration when i try to install pdagent on a “CentOS Stream release 9”

thank you

Hi! It seems a deprecation issu explained here. Meanwhile, a good workaround could be allowing the deprecated crypto policy (scroll down the article and follow the “I still to install SHA-1 signed packages!” section.

Hope it helps!
