I have a noisy alarm coming from prometheus that I am not able to silence and is well documented as being unable to turn off -> https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/issues/1773#issuecomment-1201724576
How am I able to have pagerduty stop sending alerts for this particular alarm?
The alarms looks something like this:
[FIRING:1] (InfoInhibitor pending config-reloader prometheus-nodes-api alertmanager-prometheus-nodes-api-0 kube-system/prometheus-operator-kube-p-prometheus none)
With some details coming through pagerduty like this:
- alertname = InfoInhibitor
- alertstate = pending
- container = config-reloader
- namespace = prometheus-nodes-api
- pod = alertmanager-prometheus-nodes-api-0
- prometheus = kube-system/prometheus-operator-kube-p-prometheus
- severity = none
- description = This is an alert that is used to inhibit info alerts.
By themselves, the info-level alerts are sometimes very noisy, but they are relevant when combined with
other alerts.
This alert fires whenever there's a severity="info" alert, and stops firing when another alert with a
severity of 'warning' or 'critical' starts firing on the same namespace.
This alert should be routed to a null receiver and configured to inhibit alerts with severity="info".
- runbook_url = https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/general/infoinhibitor
- summary = Info-level alert inhibition.
Source: http://prometheus-operator-kube-p-prometheus.kube-system:9090/graph?g0.expr=ALERTS%7Bseverity%3D%22info%22%7D+%3D%3D+1+unless+on%28namespace%29+ALERTS%7Balertname%21%3D%22InfoInhibitor%22%2Calertstate%3D%22firing%22%2Cseverity%3D~%22warning%7Ccritical%22%7D+%3D%3D+1&g0.tab=1
I tried setting an event rule:
body contains InfoInhibitor
Suppress + Then stop processing
But still I get this alert.
I then tried setting an ignore rule in event orchestration looking like this:
event.summary matches part 'InfoInhibitor'
Still getting this alert…
All help appreciated.