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Hi everyone!

Simply ı’m not getting phone calls from pagerduty. When ı’m on-call ı only get application notifications. My contact informations are corrrect and my first on-call periods ı was getting phone calls and after sometimes ı started to not getting phone calls.

Thanks for helping!

Hi Alper!

When phone notifications aren’t coming through, there’s a couple things you can try on your own, and plenty that the PagerDuty Support team can look into to help out.

First and easiest, I recommend adding the PagerDuty vCard to your phone. Some cellular providers block calls that they interpret as spam, and having the contact information on your phone is a good way to get those calls to come through.

Next, you can test the phone notification feature by navigating to your User profile in PagerDuty. On the Contact Information tab, your phone number will be listed, and there should be a Test link in that row, to the right.

If phone calls still aren’t coming through, reach out to the Support team at It’s most helpful if you have an example Incident that attempted to call your number within the last 48 hours. The more examples the better, too. If you want to create a couple test Incidents that attempt to notify you, there will be lots of logs to pull to investigate.

Im sorta curious. I had a phone call go through in initial testing but later downloaded the app and my phone ignores everything but phone calls at certain hours. I had chosen the option on the app to whitelist pagerduty numbers. Later I did not get a call on a pageout and I theorized that maybe the app someone suppressed it since it was not allowed with my due not disturb. Only phone calls were. I enabled the app for due not disturb but have not had a chance to see if my theory was correct. Is it possilbe if the app is downloaded and not allowed to disturb it would keep a call from disturbing even if calls are allow in general?


I’m facing the same issue, I didn’t get calls from PagerDuty.

It was working fine but before ~6h the issue started, I checked the phone number and everything is fine but I still don’t get calls.
