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In GCP monitoring -> alerting -> notifications channels, there is a “PagerDuty Sync” option. However, despite my best efforts, I haven’t been able to make it work. On the face of it, it is fairly straight forward. It only asks for 3 fields: Display Name, Subdomain, API Key. There’s even a little help pop-up that gives instructions within pagerduty to create the API Key. However, after following the instructions, no alerts ever come in. To test to make sure alerts are being generated, I used an alternate alert method, which seemed to work fine. Has anybody been able to get this to work? What am I missing?

I’ve tried creating the key via which seems to be what gcp suggests. And I’ve tried making it read-only and full access. But no luck.

I’ve also tried creating a key via “Events API V2” in the service-directory. Also no luck there.

The eventual goal is to have GCP/Monitoring/Alerting to be able to create an Incident in PagerDuty.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hi BJ,

Did you follow the documentation steps given by GCP ?

Please note: I never used the two-way sync. I prefer the one-way sync which requires only an integration key.

NB: our company prefers to avoid PagerDuty API keys to avoid (too huge work to manage those keys for many teams, to manage regular rotation, …)

I would like to mention that because the one-way sync may also be sufficient for you.



I was using the information given in the GCP setup area:


I ended up working around this issue by just creating an email address in pager duty alerts could be sent to, and having GCP send alerts as emails.

IMHO you should use a one-way sync. It probably fits your needs.

Note: step 3 in the doc is the same as the “In Stackdriver” part of the PagerDuty integration guide.

Don’t do step 4 (required only for 2-way sync)
