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I’ve been googling, reading the documentation and trying different stuff and I can’t find a way to change a service Email integration urgency level to low. RuleSets can do it but they’re about to be phased out and Event Orchestration doesn’t seem to be play nice with email integration.

Coming from OpsGenie it feels like PagerDuty is making simple stuff like this simply impossible or overly complicated.

And no, we don’t have PagerDuty AIOps package.

You can configure your service to change urgency based on incident severity by selecting Dynamic Notifications. Then using an orchestration, you can set the severity (info/warning will make an incident low urgency).


First off, thank you kind stranger for answering so promptly!

Oh I see, we cannot use a “simple” email integration however we can use the tkey of a Pager API v2 integration]@oinstance name] which generate a V2 event which is chewable by the Event Orchestration. It’s a bit disappointing since an email with meaningfulname.service@rinstance name] would make more sense but if works it works!

Many thanks Master McGee! 🙂

Best regards,

Charles D.

Hey no problem, glad it works. One other piece of advice that I give to people in my environment when configuring an email integration: when entering the pagerduty email address into the monitoring tool, put it in the BCC field. It’s very annoying to get additional notifications because someone decided to reply-all to an alert.
