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I have free trial account selected EU region for account. But I am located in India (APAC). When trying to register new PagerDuty App I am getting an error as “you don’t have access to this feature” so, my question how can we create or register PagerDuty app?

Hello @mahi m! And welcome to our community.

The reason why you don’t have access to that feature is because it is not yet available for EU accounts but the team is actively working on it and it should be released soon. I recognise this is not clear on the feature documentation and we will fix that. Still, if you go to our support page on service regions you can find a reference to it.


My recommendation for now is to create a free trial account in the US service region.


Hi there! Looping back to this thread because App Registration is now supported in the EU Service Region, this question was just a little too early.

Thanks for posting in our forums!

@hannele Thanks for jumping in!

Adding up to Hannele’s comment, I’d like to drop that this update was also posted here on the forums. Check it out if you want more details:
