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Want to send the suppressed alerts only via email and not via phone call to the on-call user? So that the user does not receive call during off-hours and can work on suppressed alerts on next day.

Hello @vishal pambla!

The idea for suppressed alerts is to avoid notification fatigue and therefore it’s not possible to replace on notification mechanism with other. If an alert has been suppressed during off-hours, the user can see it in the Alerts page with the status “Triggered (suppressed)”.

Two points that I think might lead you in the right direction:

  1. Alerts do not generate notifications to users, incidents do. Alerts only trigger incidents. You can use Incident Workflows or choose a default Escalation Policy to notify the on-call user.

    This will follow the Notification Rules configured by each user on their profile.

  2. If the user is off-work then he shouldn’t be the defined as on-call. Leverage your Escalation Policy to configure schedules properly.

    If your service doesn’t need 24/7 support define an Escalation Policy that only assigns incidents to users (and notifies them) during work hours.

    If no one is on-call, no incident will be triggered (go here for more information).

Let me know if this helps.
