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I found this old forum post from 2019 which suggests we cannot update the alert’s custom details.

Is this still the case? In which we have to open a new incident?

For example, I want to dedupe multiple AWS Personal Health Dashboard alerts into one incident and have the custom details update with the latest AWS message.

Otherwise, you have to go to the alert log and see the update or have multiple incidents triggered.

Hi Kevin, this behaviour is still the same at the moment, the summary of the incident will remain the same as the summary of the first alert. There are ways of changing this behaviour by using a custom webhook to a Rundeck job, which modifies the PagerDuty incident.

Hi Constant, Thank you for the information.


It’s now almost 2024, and I’m curious about the current status of this issue. Is there a plan from PagerDuty to address this?

I believe this behavior might be considered a bug, as it leads to an inconsistent user experience. While updates to an alert’s summary or severity are reflected in the UI, the same does not apply to custom details. This inconsistency can be confusing for users. Any clarification on whether this is a recognized issue and potential steps towards a resolution would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Hi @dmitry,

While this is not planned in the current roadmap, you can leverage custom fields (accessible via API) to access this information.

It’s also worth mentioning that custom fields via event orchestration will be released soon.

Of note – customers will soon be able to populate custom fields via event orchestration
