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I created an Event API V2 integration and test it with the CURL provided. But I did not get an incident on the Open incident page. Below is the test crul and response. Note: i removed the integration key from the curl commends.



curl --request ‘POST’

–url ‘

–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’

–data ‘{

“payload”: {

“summary”: “Test alert”,

“severity”: “critical”,

“source”: “Alert source”


“routing_key”: “”,

“event_action”: “trigger”


{“dedup_key”:“a4c4fcd0e2da490eb2791920699eaee0”,“message”:“Event processed”,“status”:“success”}bash-5.1$

Hello @bill liang.

Thanks for reaching out. I have just setup an Events API v2 integration in different services and tenants from my side, ran the cURL command example listed there and it seems to work every time. I get an HTTP response similar to yours and then I see the critical incident on the Open Incident page. I also get notified according to the escalation policy defined.

You probably checked everything already but you can double check if you don’t have any filter applied (e.g. team filter or “assigned to me”). If you don’t then, I would ask you to raise a ticket with our support teams (here). They will be able to look into the platform and see what failed.

