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I’m configuring a service with an email integration and testing it. As per documentation it says that

Open a new incident/alert for each new trigger email subject (default): Emails with the same subject line will deduplicate. For example, if PagerDuty triggers an incident in response to an email with the subject “Host Down”, subsequent emails with the same subject will not trigger a new incident. Rather, the new email will be appended to the existing incident’s timeline.

I’m trying the same, so when email comes with same subject it should create only one incident and following emails should append the existing incident. But the following emails are not appended to the existing incident, which is causing me to loose those alerts.

How can i get the alerts appended to the original incident without loosing it.

Please find the setting below


Hi Achutharaman,

Unless one of our community members has a troubleshoot tip to share, I suggest you open a case with our support team.

Then, they would possibly need to visit your service/email integration and review your incidents to know enough and assist you better with the issue.

What they really mean is that the following emails are deduplicated and appended to the alert display for that incident. Click on the link in the Alerts section to open the Alert details, and at the bottom you will see each email alert that has been deduplicated.


Thanks for the reply @dmcclure, Yah i understand that and that’s where my issue is. I’m not seeing any appended mails in it.

Hi @achutharaman s

I passed this question to our engineering folks, there was a discrepancy in the docs; the behavior is different depending on the configuration of the service.

Our docs folks have updated the page

I’d never noticed this either!

Definitely look for new emails to be appended to the initial alert, not in the incident timeline, as was originally in the docs.

Thanks for your question!
