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Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to retrieve data using but I am not getting consistant data. There is mismatch for the data which I am getting on pagerduty to the data retrieved through this API.

I am passing the Service Id , Team Id to fetch data for high urgency incidents but there is huge inconsistency compared to actual data in pager duty.

Has anyone come across similar situation or have a fix this issue.


Hi Prakar. What kind of inconsistency are you seeing? Different number of incidents? Different incidents included? Or different parts of the same incident objects?

Hi @mandi walls … yes I am not getting the correct number of incidents , correct time for mean_seconds_to_resolve , mean_seconds_to_acknowledge while retrieving data through API. These values are very different to what I am getting in pager duty for the same parameters.

Hi Prakhar. I think you might be running into the aggregation lag on the analytics endpoints. For the time being, the Analytics API is only updated once a day, while the components on the web UI are current. So that will definitely impact what you see and differences between the datasets.

These are all under active development with GA later this year, so things will settle down as that happens.
