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How to create a schedule for 3 people where person is on call for 8 hours a day. I’m able to create this schedule without any problem. What I want next though is to shift the schedule after a week.

For eg- let’s say oncall schedule for the week 1 is as follows -

user a - 12 am to 8am

user b - 8am to 4pm

user c - 4pm to 12am

for the week 2, i want to offset the user’s schedule to 8 hours -

user b - 12am to 8am

user c - 8am to 4pm

user a - 4pm to 12am

how do i achieve this?

Hi @faizal musthafa

For this one, I think I’d go with a schedule with three layers.

Layer 1: 12am to 8am

Add your users in the A, B, C order. Set the rotation type to “weekly”, and your handoff to whatever time works for you. Then, click the “Add Restrictions” button.

This will bring up a new dialog box. you can then use the “Restrict on-call duty to specific times-of-the-day” and enter 12am to 8am in the dropdowns, then click “Apply”.

So layer 1 looks something like this:


You’ll do the same thing for the second and third layers, but change the times and the order of the users.

So for layer 2, 8am to 4pm, add the users in the order B, C, A. Add the restrictions as above, just with the different hours.

And for layer 3, 4pm to 12am, add the users as C, A, B and the time restrictions.

This will give you an effective schedule of 8-hour shifts. The final schedule comes out like:



