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I am attempting to configure the Jira Cloud extension for a service. I am able to successfully configure the extension via the UI–i.e., I can set it up, create a test ticket, and even create a ticket from the drop-down in an incident.

Configuring this extension via the UI works great, but it doesn’t scale for 100+ services. Therefore, I want to configure the extension across all the services via Terraform.

The trouble is that I cannot seem to get it to work.

I’ve created a “pagerduty_extension” object in terraform and associated it with the Jira Cloud schema and a services. And I added a “jira” config block. After applying the Terraform, the extension shows up in the Jira extensions list, and looks correct (all the fields that I’d expect to be poplulated are populated, and it appears green). And when I create a test issue it is successful.

When I attempt to create a Jira issue from an incident against the given service, I get the error message “Unable to create a Jira ticket at this time. For more detailed information, try pressing the “Create Test Issue” button in the Jira Configuration page.” But, of course, creating a test issue is always successful…So…I’m stumped.

In an attempt to be sure I’m constructing the pagerduty_extension config block correctly, I have retrieved via the PagerDuty API the config block of a Jira Cloud extension that I configured via the UI. From what I can see, I have provided all the required info. (Although there are no examples of such config blocks anywhere on the internet.)

I hesitate to paste the Terraform code here, as it is rather long, and it contains identifying data…So…

Perhaps someone has seen this situation before and can provide some guidance? Maybe someone has specific guidance on constructing a Jira Cloud extension config block in Terraform? Or–failing all else–can anyone point me to something within PagerDuty or Jira Cloud that can provide me with add’l troubleshooting information?

Thank you in advance!

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