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I am new to using PagerDuty and wrapping my head around schedules and escalation policies.

We are creating a primary team schedule with two layers. Layer 1 for 9:00 - 21:00 MT and Layer 2 for 21:00 - 9:00 MT. Layer 1 pages folks in the US and Layer 2 pages folks in EU.

We are creating a secondary schedule for escalation when primary does not respond after 5 min.

For the escalation, I want to tell PD, if person X is paged in primary, then page this specific person from secondary; but if persons A, B, C, or D are paged as primary, then page all of these 3 other people as secondary; but if persons E, F, G, etc. are paged as primary, then page one of these other people as scheduled.

Is there a way to set this up or are we forced to say if primary schedule paged, then page secondary, period (i.e., no matter who on primary is paged, the escalation has to be from this one secondary schedule).

I feel like what I need should be possible and I’m missing something obvious like another way to set up the schedules if escalation policy does not support if/thens.

I thought of a hack you can try. If you add the secondary oncall contact information to the primary oncall user profiles, you can set the primary oncall users to have a delayed notification to their secondary backups. PagerDuty will think they are sending a follow up alert to the primary person, but it will actually be contacting secondary if the primary does not acknowledge within 5 minutes (or whatever setting you need). I’m curious if this will work for you.

Great work-around, @andrew percher. Thank you for the suggestion.

PD community won’t let me post a short thank you. Here are extra characters for 100 character requirement.
