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CAN STAKEHOLDERS GET A BEEP WHEN THE ALERT IS POSTED and not only the silent notification.

Hello Team,

I have a “Full Stakeholder” license and i have related issue so using this thread.

Currently whenever there is an incident is created, i do get notified on my Android app however the delivery of the notification is silent. it does not beep , not it shows an icon at the top status bar of the phone.

So unless i open the app myself, though the notification is delivered, i never come to know about it.

Is this as designed? or Do we have any solution for the same ?

any help is much appretiated.

Note - all configurations are correct liek user, team, escalation policy etc.

Also i have executed the test on my pagerduty app ( and also from webapp) and i do get test beeps, sms, phone call , push notification etc.

Hello, it works on my android (samsung).

I have notification with sound, pop message…

I suppose it is a misconfiguration on the mobile.

Hello Biard,

Thanks for checking on it.

Could you please confirm is your license also of type “Stakeholder”

because for us, it is not an issue only with me but with others as well in my team who have license type as “takeholder”.

Yes, I’m sorry,

I’m not stakeholder, and I don’t know how to test it.

Good Luck to find something that can help you.
