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What is the best way to escalate from one pager duty instance’s escalation to an external contractors pager duty on-call rotation? Idea being that a contractor is responsible for responding to incidents and has their own escalation policies/schedules, and we just want to say the first step on the internal incident is to page the contractors on-call person.

Hi, Alex! You might be able to set this up in a similar fashion as a shadow rotation. You can set up an email integration on the contactor’s destination service in their account. Then, use that email integration as a contact method for a “placeholder user” on the first level of your environment’s escalation policy. Whenever an incident triggers in your account, a notification will be sent to the “placeholder user” via the email integration set up in their profile. That email integration will push an incident out to the service in their environment where the contractor is presumably on call. Keep in mind a placeholder user would use a PagerDuty license.
