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I follow Pagerduty Backstage Plugin installation via but I am getting all the time: {“error”:{“message”:“Not Found”,“code”:2100},“suggestion”:“When using, the /api/ prefix is not required.”}. Would like to know what that means …

Also get the following: ::ffff:10.0.X.X - - w20/Jan/2024:09:57:39 +0000] “GET /api/proxy/pagerduty/services?include%5B%5D=integrations&include%5B%5D=escalation_policies&query=XXXXXXXXXXX&time_zone=UTC HTTP/1.1” 404 124 “-” “Amazon CloudFront”

So seems can not make the plugin work ad only get this:


Hello @joaquin henriquez alzola!

My name is Tiago and I’m the maintainer of the PagerDuty plugin. On a first look, this seems like a misconfiguration on the service side.

Could you please double-check that the serviceId specified in your entity yaml file is correct? You should have a file with one or more entities that should look something like this:

kind: Component
name: Catalog
type: website
lifecycle: experimental
owner: guests
system: SwagStore
providesApis: :catalog-api]

Let me know if this helps. Feel free to send a Direct Message as well so we can troubleshoot the issue if this doesn’t put you in the right direction.

Hi Tiago,

All sorted now. I had to modify on the app-config.yaml the Pagerduty Proxy path rewrite to redirect to the correct place. Needed to put backstage in debug mode to see the path it was originally trying to hit.

So all solved now.


Glad that it is working now. Be on the lookout for the next release of the plugin that should take place later this week.

I’m working on moving all REST API calls to the backend plugin for additional security and performance optimization. This will replace the usage of the proxy and the proxy configuration in app-config.yaml will not longer be required. If you want to be notified watch the repo to subscribe for changes.

@tiago barbosa FYI I am not able to start backstage PD plugin with FE 0.8.1 and BE 0.3.1 version and removing the proxy configuration.

Also is this correct in your config docs? The todo() should it be not be pagerduty()?

  apiRouter.use('/pagerduty', await todo(pagerdutyEnv));


FYI also can not deploy to my K8s cluster the backstage after updating PD plugin to 0.8.1 & 0.0.1 and for the backend 0.3.1 & 0.0.1. The readiness/liveness is failing.



SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘export’

There must be a bug in your code …

Thanks for reporting these @joaquin henriquez alzola.

I have fixed the typos on the docs and you should see them fixed soon. Let me try to replicate the issue you are having while running the plugins in Kubernetes. Can you please share your readiness/liveness configuration?

failureThreshold: 10
path: /healthcheck
port: 7007
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 5
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5
failureThreshold: 2
path: /healthcheck
port: 7007
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 2
timeoutSeconds: 5

Healthcheck endpoint is taken from backstage directly.

Thanks for the help @joaquin henriquez alzola! This issue is now solved and released on the latest version.
