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Hello, PagerDuty Commons Community!

At first, navigating a community might feel a bit overwhelming with lots of activity and discussions. But here’s the secret: with a little focus, you can gain so much from just a small amount of time here. Want some tips?

Search Before Posting: Before you start a new discussion, take a moment to search through existing topics. Chances are, someone else might have asked a similar question. You might even find the exact answer you need, saving you time and effort.

Ask Clear Questions: You don’t need to be an expert to ask a good question. The key is to be clear and provide context. Including examples can make it easier for others to help you out.

Join the Conversation: It can feel intimidating to jump into an ongoing discussion, especially when you don’t know anyone. But in community, everyone’s input is valuable. Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts—you’ll be surprised at how welcoming others can be.

Share What You Know: The things you’re doing with PagerDuty are impressive! Maybe your friends and family don’t quite get it, but we do. Whether it’s a cool hack, a workflow you’ve perfected, or something else that excites you, share it with us.

Show Appreciation: It’s important to acknowledge when someone’s advice or perspective has helped you. A simple “thank you” or clicking the “Best Answer” button goes a long way in making others feel valued and heard.

Remember, PagerDuty Commons is all about helping each other. Dive in and make the most of it!



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